Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I've got nothing people.

I am going to waste a perfectly good post to tell you that I have nothing good to talk about. I've been strugglin the last few days about what I could post about but my thoughts have all been jumbled. Nothing is forming into coherent,fun,perky,entertaining sentences.

The primary reason is because I'm working on the book project. Fun times, fun times. Let me just say I'm not a big fan of the Cochenille design software right now. My old paper/pen/calculator system was faster. Or maybe I am just used to it.

I did get out this past weekend. I spent Friday chatting it up with my girls, and then Saturday I spent time with a male friend (sorry Mamacita, he's just a friend), had some West Indian food (curry goat,yummmmmm) and went to a friend's birthday party(cute boys, yeah!). It's good to have male and female friends. It can balance out your perspective on the world.

On Sunday I watched Hustle. It's a British show about a group of con artists that I rent from Netflix. It's a pretty good show. I'm ashamed to say the main reason I rented it was because the lead character used to play Ellis on the show Girlfriends.

Well, those are the highlights. I wish I had something more interesting, but I don't. Needless to say I will be neck deep in projects for the next week so I may be a little scarce. See ya.