Live from NYC
Hi everyone! I come to you live from NYC courtesy of some "borrowed" internet.

This has been one crazy ride. Here's how it went.
June 20 - Last day at work & my sister flew into Raleigh to help me drive my truck
June 21 - (my birthday mind you) I hired people to pack the truck and drove up to Cleveland.
*Special Note 1: Let me just say that hiring people to pack/unpack the truck is the best idea ever!
*Special Note 2: West Virginia is the state that would never end. It may look small on a map but don't be fooled. The pics above are some my sister took from the truck.
June 22 - I moved some things into my parents storage unit and my sister took my favorite couches to Chicago.
June 23 - Mamacita and I drove to NYC, had the truck unpacked, did a little supply shopping, got something to eat and passed out.
June 24 - Mamacita flew back to Cleveland
June 27 - I flew back to Raleigh to clean up and see my friends on last time.
June 30 - I drove Jay-etta to Cleveland; her current chill spot
July 5 - I'm flew back to NYC.
*Special Note 3: US Airways is the worst airline ever!
This little adventure has taught me a few things, the best of which is that I have the greatest family in the world. I never would have made it through all of this without them.
NYC is okay but I'm really not used to all this walking. I've been walking and sleeping alot. Today's adventure was going to buy an air conditioner (how I miss central air) and getting a local bank account. Tomorrow I'm going to try and get my cable/internet set up and make curtains for the windows.
Right now I'm a little un-emotional about NYC. I think cause I'm so overwhelmed by it all. I'm sad because my apt is so small. Nothing matches because I had to cram a 1100 sq.ft apt into one that is probably only 450. I really miss by sofa and chair. I'm also trying to get used to the local concept of grocery stores and non-chain stores. I know I'll be more excited when my place is fully organized and acquainted with my local stores.
In knitting news....
I have had a chance to work on the top I'm making with the Red Karabella cotton. I should be finished this week. My place does get decent light so I should get some good pics when I get ready to take them.
I'm still looking for a free place to host my free patterns online. The links will be down until I get that all figured out.
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