Friday, June 30, 2006

They're outta here!

Things are looking great around here. This gal is happy to announce that she went to a doctor and they are going to remove my tonsils! Woooo hoooo! I am EX-CI-TED. Now if you don't remember my last bout with the evil pharyngitis, suffice it to say that I have had an 11 year history with it with one case almost fatal. This, for me, is probably better than all the yarn and fabric in my house. (Yeah, it's that serious)

This week Snuffy welcomed in our newest toy. Well, actually it's less of a toy and more of a "Someone forgot to plug the old scanner into a surge protector so it got zapped in the last major storm" replacement. I didn't need a new printer but a printer/scanner combo was cheaper than a scanner.

With all the rain, I was able to get in some good knitting time. Here is the latest on Scatter.

Can you tell now why I call it "Scatter"?

I suspect most of you folks in the States will be taking advantage of the Holiday weekend. I plan to use the time to work on my dresses. I don't have to work Monday or Tuesday so I hope to get alot done. I may even do some weekend posting to keep you up on my progress.