That's right. I'm going all "Jerry Maguire" on ya!
I want my medal people. This isn't the time for modesty. I deserve the gold and I want to see it.

Pattern: Martha Cardigan - Rowan #37
Yarn:Knitpicks Dye-your-own sock yarn - 3 skeins
Dye Mix: Kool-aid Cherry/Black Cherry Mix
Needles: US 2 needles
Additional: 7 LaMode Buttons (1/2 inch)
Started: February 10
Finished: February 26
(I tried to take a picture with me modeling it but the tripod,lighting, and I can't seem to come to an agreement right now. )
Now to recap.... The Good. The Bad. The Ugly.
The Good: I now have a cute cardigan for the spring. After thinking about it, making this sweater was equivalent to 3 pairs of socks which isn't too bad. It was a well written pattern and not confusing at all. The button band is worked at the same time which makes for an easier "first button band" experience.
The Bad: Putting a extreme deadline on a project such as this does not allow time for working on anything else. If you didn't know, I am a member of the ADCD Club (Attention Deficit Crafting Disorder. See
El Presidente for the
club rules), and this almost drove me batty. While a interesting test of my patience and determination, I think I will retire and refrain from any future Olympic games.
The Ugly: The overdying process didn't totally fix the dyelot issue and in fact made the overall color a little blotchy. Now ask me if I really care??? The thing cost me $22 after kool-aid and buttons. It can be blotchy.